HeRO® Graft Experience & Clinical Data Publications

HeRO Graft - Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow


The list of publications below include some of the data available for the HeRO Graft. Many citations include hyperlinks to the abstracts. A full bibliography can be downloaded at the link below that contains over 50 publication citations.



A comparison between the HeRO® Graft and conventional arteriovenous grafts in hemodialysis patients. Nassar G, Glickman M, McLafferty R, et al. Semin Dial, in press, DOI: 10.1111/sdi.12173 View Study
Initial Experience and Outcome of a New Hemodialysis Access Device for Catheter-Dependent Patients. Howard E. Katzman, Robert B. McLafferty, John R. Ross, Marc H. Glickman, Eric K. Peden and Jeffrey H. Lawson. JVS, Journal of Vascular Surgery, September 2009 View Study
Multi-center Experience of 164 Consecutive Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow (HeRO) Graft Implants for Hemodialysis Treatment. Gage SM, Katzman HE, Ross JR, Hohmann SE, Sharpe CA, Butterly DW, Lawson JH. EJVES, European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery, May 2012 View Study
HeRO Vascular Access Device. Marc Glickman, MD. Seminars in Vascular Surgery, June 2011 View Study
Percutaneous interventions on the Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow vascular access device. Gebhard T, Bryant J, Grezaffi J, et al. JVIR 2013:24:543-549. View Study
Outcomes comparison of HeRO and lower extremity arteriovenous grafts in patients with long-standing renal failure. Steerman S, Wagner J, Higgins J, et al. J Vasc Surg 2013:57:776-783 View Study
Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow (HeRO) device in end-stage dialysis access: A decision analysis model. Dageforde LA, Bream PR, Moore DE. Journal of Surgical Research, May 2012 View Study
Modification of the HeRO® Graft Allowing Earlier Cannulation and Reduction in Catheter Dependent Days in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease: A Single Center Retrospective Review Hart D, Gooden C, Cummings LS, Wible B, Borsa J, Randall H. J Vasc Surg 2013:58(5):1437. View Study
A Novel Two-Stage HeRO Graft Implantation Technique that Avoids the Use of a Femoral Bridging Hemodialysis Catheter in Selected Patients. Yoon W, Lorelli D. J Vasc Surg 2013:58(5):1437. View Study
Balloon-assisted over-the-wire technique for placement of the venous outflow component of the Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow (HeRO) device. Ferral H, Behrens G, Turner Y et al. J Vasc Surg 2013:58(4):1117-1119. View Study
Report on the Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow (HeRO) experience in dialysis patients with central venous occlusions. Wallace J, Chaer R, Dillavou E. J Vasc Surg 2013:58(3):742-747. View Study
Downhill varices secondary to HeRO Graft-related SVC Syndrome. Pillai U, Roopkiranjot K, Lakshminarayan N, et al. Semin Dial 2013:26(5):E47–E49. View Study
Lifting the Veil: Insights into Vascular Access Options. Kumbar L., Besarab A. CJASN 2013:8(5):708-710. View Study
Bilateral pulmonary emboli secondary to indwelling Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow catheter. Coan K, O’Donnel M, Fankhauser G, et al. Vasc Endovasc Surg 2013:47:317-319. View Study
Experience of HeRO dialysis graft placement in a challenging population. Kokkosis A, Abramowitz S, Schwitzer J, et al. Vasc Endovasc Surg 2013:47:278-280. View Study
Experience of a tertiary level academic center regarding the patency and cost benefits of HeRO dialysis access compared to standard synthetic arteriovenous dialysis accesses. Raseman J, Pillai AK, Arsian B, Turba U. JVIR 24(4):S41 View Study
Special Nursing Needs for Patients with HeRO Grafts. Allen R, Ladenheim E. ANNA online 4/17/2013. View Abstract
Review of the HeRO (Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow) device: a novel approach for hemodialysis. Politi R, Kawai T, Wu S, et al. JVIR 2013:24(4):S120. View Abstract
The HeRO catheter device is coming to Europe: an Update from previous experience in the USA. Glickman M. CX Daily News April 6, 2013.  
Percutaneous interventions on the Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow vascular access device. Gebhard T, Bryant J, Grezaffi J, et al. JVIR 2013:24:543-549. View Study
Prospective analysis of Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow (HeRO) vascular access graft vs. cuffed catheter access in hemodialysis (HD) patients. Provenzano R, LaFleur M, McFadden L, et al. AJKD 2013:61(4):B78. View Study
Outcomes comparison of HeRO and lower extremity arteriovenous grafts in patients with long-standing renal failure. Roddy S, Zwolak R. J Vasc Surg 2013:57:891. View Study
Outcomes comparison of HeRO and lower extremity arteriovenous grafts in patients with long-standing renal failure. Steerman S, Wagner J, Higgins J, et al. J Vasc Surg 2013:57:776-783. View Study
Modified use of the Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow (HeRO) graft for salvage of threatened dialysis access. Allan BJ, Prescott AT, Tabbara, M, Bornak A, Goldstein LJ. JVS, Journal of Vascular Surgery, May 2012 View Study
A Clinical Update on an Alternative Vascular Access for the Catheter-Dependent Hemodialysis. National Kidney Foundation Clinical Bulletin, January 2012 View Study
Successful Use of the HeRO Device to Salvage a Functional Arteriovenous Fistula and Resolve Symptoms of Venous Hypertension. G.J. Chen, J.E. Anaya-Ayala, C.J. Smolock, M.G. Davies and E.K. Peden. EJVES, European Journal of Vascular & Endovascular Surgery, July 2011 View Study
HeRO Vascular Access Device. Marc Glickman, MD. Seminars in Vascular Surgery, June 2011 View Study
Early Use Conversion of the HeRO Dialysis Graft. Earl Schuman, MD and Amy Ronfeld, RN. JVS, Journal of Vascular Surgery, June 2011 View Study
Salvaging Vascular Access and Treatment of Severe Limb Edema: Case Reports on the Novel Use of the Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow Vascular Access Device. Shawn M. Gage, Hardeep S. Ahluwalia and Jeffrey H. Lawson. Annals of Vascular Surgery, April 2011. View Study
Results of a customer-based, post-market surveillance survey of the HeRO access device. Nephrology News & Issues. Vol. 24, No. 9, 30-33 View Study
An informal quantitative phone survey for 65 HeRO patients was performed via 38 dialysis units in October 2009.   View Q & A
Long-Term Performance of the Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow (HeRO) Device: The 56-Month Follow-Up of the First Clinical Trial Patient. George Nassar, MD. 56 Month Follow-Up: Seminars in Dialysis, March/April 2010 View Study
Percutaneous Endovascular Management of Occluded HeRO Dialysis Access Device. Julio Vasquez, MD; et. al. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery, January 2010 View Study
Initial Experience and Outcome of a New Hemodialysis Access Device for Catheter-Dependent Patients. Howard E. Katzman, Robert B. McLafferty, John R. Ross, Marc H. Glickman, Eric K. Peden and Jeffrey H. Lawson. JVS, Journal of Vascular Surgery, September 2009 View Study
Do access-challenged patients need a HeRO? Lesley Dinwiddie, MSN, RN, FNP, CNN published product review. Nephrology News & Issues, February 2009 View Study
A Roundtable on Chronic Dialysis. Bart Dolmatch, MD, Jack Work, MD, Ingemar Davidson, MD, PHD, published article. Endovascular Today, February 2009 View Study