Year: 2023

Mile-Markers to Breast Cancer Recovery with SCOUT®: The Tara Zuzga Story

Merit Medical is committed to reducing the burden of breast cancer on patients and their loved ones—patients like Tara Zuzga.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month Pink Ribbon“May of 2021, I was out on a date night with my husband,” recalled Tara. “While I was in the restroom fluffing my hair, I noticed a mass under my right armpit.”

Working in the healthcare industry and having a family history of breast cancer, Tara knew that early detection saves lives. Throughout her life, she diligently underwent regular mammograms and ultrasounds. For a mass like this, however, she couldn’t wait for her next exam. With the support of her husband, who also works in the medical field, Tara connected with Dr. Blumencranz, a breast cancer specialist.

With an accurate diagnosis of breast cancer, she started chemotherapy two weeks later.


SCOUT Radar LocalizationTara’s case made her an excellent candidate for SCOUT Radar Localization, wireless technology designed to help treat early-stage breast cancer patients. Once a SCOUT reflector—a marking device smaller than a grain of rice—is placed inside a lump during biopsy, surgeons can precisely target the affected tissue to pinpoint its location within 1 mm. This can mean more successful surgeries, optimized breast conservation strategies, and enhanced outcomes for women.

With Dr. Blumencranz’ help, Tara set off on her journey toward recovery. But she didn’t let her diagnosis slow her down, and she made sure every moment counted.

Tara and her husband continued having special date nights the evening prior to her bi-monthly chemo treatments. “He would take me out just to appreciate that moment before the next morning,” said Tara. “Which was a big deal.”

“She’s like super woman. She’d have her chemo, and then she’d go out walking,” reflected Tara’s husband. “All in all, she was the warrior in all of this.”


In January of 2022, Tara received the news she’d been hoping for.

She was cancer-free.

“The day Dr. Blumencranz told me, ‘You’re no longer my patient,’ we both stood there and cried,” said Tara. “When they say we’re checking you out, it’s a really big deal. It’s as big of a deal as ringing the bell for your last chemo. Those mile-markers are everything.”

Watch Tara’s journey to becoming cancer-free.

Mike Voigt, Merit Medical Chief Human Resources Officer, Receives 2023 HR Achievement Award

At Merit Medical, we think of ourselves as one big family who takes care of each other, with our Human Resources team leading the way. Thanks to their efforts, we’re able to build a strong team of inspiring individuals who work hard to impact patient lives.

Mike Voight - Chief Human Resources Officer - 2023 HR Achievement AwardThis year, our very own Chief Human Resources Officer Mike Voigt received the 2023 HR Achievement Award from Utah Business, recognized for going above and beyond to make Merit a positive workplace. We sat down with Mike to chat about the award, how he strives for excellence at Merit, and more.

Receiving the 2023 HR Achievement Award is a notable accomplishment; how does it feel?

It’s just a reminder to me of how fortunate I am to work with such a great organization and wonderful people. Without Merit or my colleagues, this recognition wouldn’t have happened.

Image of Mike Voight, Merit Medical Chief Human Resources Officer, folding his arms, leaning against a blue wallBusiness excellence is at the heart of Merit. What does this look like for you as Chief Human Resources Officer?

For me, the pursuit of excellence is about ongoing forward progress. As long as we’re making continual improvement, helping our employees thrive—then this for me is excellence.

What’s your favorite part of being Chief Human Resources Officer?

It’s having the opportunity to work alongside the great employees of Merit, including our leadership team and our global HR team, all with the goal of finding ways to ensure our company continues to be a positive workplace for everyone.

You mentioned in your interview with Utah Business that empathy was key when caring for employees. How do you see Merit doing this as a company?

I remember interviewing for this position a few years ago, finding myself really attracted to the company because of the empathetic leaders with whom I met at the time—Merit Founder Fred Lampropoulos in particular. When he expressed to me the reasons behind why he started certain employee benefits, such as the on-site health clinic and garden—all ideas born from the challenges his own mother faced caring for her family when he was a child—I was convinced Merit was where I needed to be.

Who is a role model or mentor who really inspires you?

I’ve been fortunate to have worked for and with several great leaders over the course of my career, so it’s hard to choose just one. If I had to pick a role model, however, it would be my father. He was fiercely loyal to his family, and what he lacked in formal training and education, he more than made up for with hard work and determination. He was a great example to me of true servant leadership.

What’s your favorite way to spend your time when outside of the office?

My hobbies tend to evolve, but my family and I like to go down to Moab every chance we get and take advantage of the many outdoor activities we can do there. We tend to try and go every month or two.

Want to learn more? Explore how we’re fully committed to delivering excellence across all aspects of our business.

Merit Sensor’s Recycling Initiative Reduces Water Usage by 65%

Rick Russell holding a sensor manufactured by Merit SensorAn often unknown, but significant, branch of Merit Medical is Merit Sensor, a division responsible for creating silicon-based piezoresistive pressure sensors. These sensors, also known as MEMS pressure sensors, are used in multiple industries and are crucial to the function of many technologies. The challenge? Its on-site manufacturing requires a large amount of water.

A priority at Merit is to reduce overall water intensity through programs and initiatives that advance toward more efficient use. As part of these sustainability efforts, Merit Sensor implemented a water-conservation initiative that recycles approximately 65% of the water used in the manufacturing process.

“MEMS pressure sensors measure change in electrical resistance when pressure is applied. This regulation helps the final product work properly, keeping consumers safe,” explained Rick Russell, president at Merit Sensor. “They’re used in numerous medical devices but are also found in other industries, including transportation, industrial, and aerospace.”

Merit Sensor logoManufacturing MEMS pressure sensors requires large amounts of water. In particular, when etching silicon to produce the diaphragm, a part required to measure the pressure.

“There are acids and bases involved in this process,” Russell said. “Large quantities of wastewater result, and this water needs to be treated before discharged into the sewers.”

According to Russell, the first step in the recycling process is treating the wastewater to neutralize the acids and bases. The water is then passed through a reverse-osmosis system. This system forces the water through a semipermeable membrane to remove ions, resulting in clean water.

Merit Sensor employee checking output of system“The clean water is then transferred to another tank and recycled to make more MEMS pressure sensors,” Russell explains. “Any water discharge that can’t be reused is still cleaner, safer, and easier for the sewer to process.”

In past years, producing sensors required about 622,000 gallons of water per month on average. By recycling 65% of the wastewater, Merit Sensor’s new water-recycling initiative reduces that amount by more than 400,000 gallons per month.

Water conservation efforts are a community priority in Utah, where drought continues to impact the state. In response, Merit has looked for ways to reduce company water use. For example, the team at corporate headquarters set in motion a xeriscaping project that saves approximately four million gallons of water each year. Russell and his team at Merit Sensor believe water-saving initiatives are positive steps that will only lead to improved measures.

“We are currently working on upgrading the efficiency of this system to increase the amount of water recycled to ninety percent,” Russell said. “If the current system works well throughout the rest of this year, we will continue to look for more innovative ways to improve.”

At Merit, we understand and recognize our responsibility to the future by being a good corporate citizen. Explore more of our environmental sustainability efforts.

Becoming Fibroid Free: Malin Finds Relief Through UFE

Two in three women will develop fibroids at some point in her life. Uterine fibroids are small, noncancerous growths that form on the wall of the uterus. Although benign, and while many women may not experience complications, for some, fibroid symptoms can be devastating. Worse, information on treatment options is not always made readily available, and many patients are led to believe that the only solution is major surgery—like a hysterectomy.

Image of Malin Florentzen looking out over the waterMeet Malin Florentzson, a woman who had her life turned upside down when doctors informed her that removing her uterus would be the best treatment for her heavy menstrual bleeding and pain.

“Being 28, I found it really shocking that they said it was absolutely the only option,” reflected Malin. “I decided not to do it and learn how to live with my problems.”

Image of a fibroidMalin gave it her all, but unfortunately, her symptoms caught up. When her pain and fatigue worsened to the point where she collapsed at an airport, she knew she needed to seek a second opinion. That’s when she discovered the source of her complications: fibroids.

As an employee of Merit Medical, Malin was familiar with uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). An alternative method of treating fibroids, UFE allows patients to preserve the uterus by stopping blood flow to the fibroids, which causes them to shrink—thus relieving symptoms.

For Malin, this presented an ideal solution. “I don’t want to remove an organ if I don’t absolutely have to,” she said. “I looked for someone to help me understand if I was a good candidate for UFE or not.”

Image of a person laying down in an MRI machine with the words "Malin sent her results to another gynecologist and Interventional Radiologist to confirm she was a good candidate for UFEAfter an MRI confirmed that UFE may be right for her condition, Malin scheduled an appointment with her gynecologist and interventional radiologist. And when the hospital placed the order with Merit for Embosphere® Microspheres—the tiny particles used to block blood supply to fibroids, causing them to shrink? It was Malin who took the call. “That was quite funny,” she remarked.

Malin made a full recovery from the successful UFE procedure. With her symptoms gone or significantly reduced, she was able to get back to the activities she enjoyed prior to developing fibroids. “It’s like a new life,” she said.

These days, Malin spends her time advocating for increased awareness of UFE as a treatment option to help reduce the stigma around talking about fibroids. “Who would I be if I couldn’t stand up and tell my story? We have to start understanding and listening to each other.”

A New Lease on Life with Aspira®: The Andrea Peterson Story

Merit Medical is proud to support health at every stage, committed to helping patients live life to the fullest. For Women’s Health Week, meet Andrea Peterson—an advocate for adventurous women everywhere and patients who refuse to let a diagnosis slow them down.

Andrea Peterson at the North Pole, standing next to a staircase covered in snow & iceAndrea Peterson’s peaceful, rural life came to an abrupt halt when she received a grim diagnosis: cancer. Thankfully, she didn’t let this stop her. Instead, she saw it as an opportunity to reinvent her life. With fresh determination to not only survive but to thrive, Andrea began to chase every dream she’s had.

“I just started living,” Andrea explained, recounting how her new outlook motivated her to become a firefighter, pilot, pianist, world-traveler, and more.

“It’s a beautiful world. I met people and had experiences that ordinary people don’t.”

Aspira Drainage System - July 2019 - The Compassionate TreatmentEven when her cancer spread, Andrea didn’t lose hope. Her doctor recommended the placement of a catheter to drain accumulated fluid from her pleural cavity and relieve uncomfortable symptoms. Not wanting to be held back by bulky bottles, Andrea requested the Aspira® Drainage Bag.

For Andrea, this was only her next great adventure. Because the Aspira system is designed to provide patients with maximum freedom, Andrea remarked, “I can still live and do anything I want. Every time we get a delivery of Aspira, it’s more life, more freedom, and more adventures.”

Andrea’s most recent expedition took her to Antarctica, a dream she’s pursued since childhood. And at her side? Her “freedom friend,” the Aspira bag.

Watch her full story.

Merit’s Internship Program Expands Opportunities to International Students

As Merit grows, so does its ability to offer effective professional development resources to employees—both present and potential.

Daniela Aguirre, Merit's first International Intern at HQRecently, we were proud to welcome our first international intern, Daniela Aguirre.

Daniella studies International Business at EAFIT University in Medellin, Colombia. For her 2022 fall semester, she traded the Andes Mountains for the Rockies to work in our headquarters in Salt Lake City.

Daniela stands i front of a table of hispanic treats for Hispanic Heritage MonthHer degree emphasis in marketing and her passionate work ethic made her a perfect fit for one of our internships. Over the course of a few months, she rotated through different areas of the company, such as communications, human resources, marketing, and multiple product divisions to capture a well-rounded Merit experience.

We sat down with Daniela to learn more about her takeaways, thoughts, and advice for future interns.

Q. Growing up, what was your dream career?

A. I wanted to be a doctor. I love working with kids, so I wanted to specialize as a pediatrician. But when I took a career-oriented analytical test to see the fields with which my skillset most aligned, I discovered I was better suited for business. That’s when I decided to pursue international business.

Q. What made you gravitate toward an internship at Merit?

Daniela with Ivonne Osuna during Innovation DayA. I fell in love with the passion behind the medical device industry. At Merit, I found I could incorporate what I originally wanted to pursue —the study of medicine—with what I’m doing right now. It’s the perfect mix. I can help people, not necessarily as a physician, but in the background by helping doctors access life-changing products for their patients.

Q. Describe the work you did while interning with us.

A. In each rotation of my internship, I worked on a variety of projects. I particularly loved digital marketing for the ways it tied into my university coursework. Additionally, I developed outreach projects directed toward Merit’s Latin community, with the goal of promoting inclusion at work. I also collaborated with our team on Latin Heritage Month and how to recognize this important time.

Q. What’s next for you after you graduate? And how did Merit help prepare you to achieve your goals both personally and professionally?

A. I want to keep working with medical devices. At university, they teach you the basics; but after graduation, it’s up to you to learn how to apply that to your work. Merit gave me the knowledge I needed to break into the medical device industry. They had the necessary videos, trainings, and hands-on experience to improve my skills. Now I feel prepared for whatever comes next.

On a personal level, I found that Merit is like a family. Everyone is willing to help you, no matter what, with patience and kindness. If I had to ask a question 100 times, my supervisors would answer 100 times. I felt like I’d found my place. I grew not only professionally but as a person, too.

Q. What advice do you have for students who want to work in the medical device field? How can they succeed—whether at Merit or elsewhere?

A. Be open to new experiences. Fred Lampropoulos, Merit’s founder and CEO, gave me this piece of advice: “Be willing to do something no one else is willing to do.” That helped me a lot. Do everything you can, and if you’re unsure of how to complete a task, ask for help. It’s also important to show respect toward others and foster teamwork while still being independent. Learn all you can and apply it to your work. Collaborate with your team, but don’t depend on them 100%. Take accountability.

Are you a student? Get ahead with Merit.

On every level, we’re committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive workforce, knowing that an environment of appreciation for each other’s similarities and differences is what drives our innovation as a leader within the healthcare industry.

Our interns gain real-world experience. Students apply their classroom skills within Merit’s supportive environment and become part of the Merit family.

Wondering how you can be part of our internship team? With opportunities available year-round in a variety of departments, a Merit internship will help prepare you for a fulfilling career, no matter where your path takes you.

Discover more internship success stories and browse open positions today.

A Chance at Life: Expanding Pediatric Cardiac Care in East Africa

Merit partners with Mending Kids, increasing access to lifesaving heart surgeries for children in Dar Es Salaam

Map featuring TanzaniaIt’s early morning in Dar Es Salaam, a bustling port city on the east coast of Tanzania. The sun spills over the horizon, its brilliance filling a pale-blue sky. Ships nod in the city’s turquoise harbors. People trickle into the streets as cars, motorbikes, and taxis zip by.

It may seem like any other day in Dar Es Salaam, but this one is different. Today, a 3-year-old orphan, nicknamed Happiness, finally receives the lifesaving surgery she needs to correct a congenital heart defect.

Overcoming Challenges in Pediatric Cardiac Care

Tanzania is the largest country in East Africa, carrying a population of 61 million people. However, almost 45% of its population is younger than 15 years of age. And due to various widespread challenges across the nation, many Tanzanian youth are left orphaned.

Among the struggles orphaned children face, poor heath is one nearly impossible to overcome. Congenital heart disease is the third leading cause of early death in children living in Tanzania, and access to adequate healthcare is scarce. For every 1,000 residents in Tanzania, there is only 0.02 physicians.

Selection of doctors from Mending Kids - 5 individuals standing in the back, 3 kneeling in the frontTo improve pediatric cardiac care in Tanzania, healthcare professionals have come together through a global non-profit organization called Mending Kids. With product-donation support from Merit Medical and other healthcare companies worldwide, Two healthcare professionals looking at a patient's imaging screenMending Kids provides free surgical care to sick children around the globe.

Volunteer medical teams donate their time and services with the goal to not only care for children but to provide valuable hands-on training to local clinicians as well as health education to their communities.

Heartbeats Tanzania Cardiac Mission

Through its Heartbeats Tanzania Cardiac Mission, Mending Kids has performed more than 120 lifesaving surgeries in the region since its inception.

Healthcare professionals & volunteers standing in a group in front of the hospital“The organization has been deploying cardiac teams to Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute in Dar Es Salaam since 2015,” said Miles Melamed, Mending Kids Missions and Outreach Specialist. “Volunteer teams provide lifesaving treatment for children, support complex cases, and exchange knowledge, all to help local physicians move toward self-sustainment.”

A Chance at Life, a Chance for Happiness

Like many sick children in Tanzania, Happiness needed treatment for more than one health condition.
Healthcare professionals gathered around a bed & patient“In addition to a congenital heart defect, Happiness also had a colorectal malformation that could not be corrected without first mending her heart,” Melamed explained.

Through the good work of Heartbeats Tanzania, Happiness now has the chance to live out the true meaning of her name. Treated by Dr. Darren Berman from Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Happiness was one of 21 children last year with congenital heart defects to receive open heart surgery.

Eighteen other children were also treated on a later mission, totaling 39 futures restored in 2022.

A young black child held by a adult woman“The procedure was a success, and Happiness was referred to a Mending Kids Colorectal Mission in Bugando in January of this year,” Melamed said. “She underwent a PSARP procedure, and she recovered well. She has a healthy future ahead of her, and we wish her the best.”

Celebrating International Women’s Day

Image of a female superhero on a red background with the words International Women's Day in glittering lettersToday is International Women’s Day, a time of global recognition of women’s achievements economically, socially, and politically. Women of today are breaking expectations, stereotypes, and limitations of the past. It is a time that shines a light on how far women have come as well as the existing need to still achieve true gender parity.

In honor of this momentous day, we interviewed some of the outstanding women within our company, asking them questions about empowerment, a brighter future, and how we can achieve it together.

Women of Merit—Today is your day,
and we celebrate you.

Scarlet Guevara, Merit Tijuana

Scarlet Guevara
Talent Acquisition Specialist
Merit Tijuana

How has Merit empowered your growth and success?

In the time I’ve work at Merit, I haven’t experienced any barriers within the different roles or positions I’ve had. I’ve also been encouraged to be creative in my work. Both freedoms have helped me grow and succeed.

What inspires you?

The people at Merit! I see multiple generations working at Merit, people who have migrated from other states looking for a better future. Many have grown with Merit over the years, and that says a lot.

What can women do to build a better tomorrow?

Breaking bias and reaching more leadership positions. These are things we’re still learning how to do. We don’t know what the world would be like if it were led by more women. We’ll have to get there to find out!

How can women support each other in the workplace?

We can support each other by validating one another and making our opinions and professional points of view heard.

Gender equality can exist, but both men and women need to work together, helping everyone have access to the same opportunities. Merit encourages this mindset.

Ivonne Osuna

Global Communications Analyst, Merit Salt Lake

Sadaf Bidar, Merit EMEA

Sadaf Bidar
Compliance Specialist
Merit EMEA

How has Merit empowered your growth and success?

Merit has offered me the possibility to learn and develop my strengths at my own pace. At the same time, I’m motivated to take on responsibilities that lead to new opportunities.

What inspires you?

The possibility of reaching my goals and learning as much as I can on the way. I’m inspired by all the strong women who lead within Merit. I strive to learn from them and one day, inspire others.

What can women do to build a better tomorrow?

We can stand together and encourage each other. Less judgement and more understanding to each individual situation.

How can women support each other in the workplace?

Not feel threatened by strong women but encourage them, learn from them, and reach out a helping hand. This way, we create opportunities for other women trying to reach their goals. Affinity groups, like Merit’s Women’s Leadership Initiative, are great ways to encourage woman to learn from each other. I am proud to be a part of it.

Jess Walker, Merit USA

Jess Walker
Associate Strategic Accounts Director
Merit USA

How has Merit empowered your growth and success?

In the duration of my time with Merit, I have continuously been challenged to gain additional knowledge, work alongside various colleagues, and pursue my professional goals.

Through this journey, they have supported my professional development by providing requested resources, training, mentorship, and a bridge to transition and create my own unique career path.

What inspires you?

The people. Across the organization, it’s evident we hire talented people who are passionate about making a difference for the hospitals, physicians, and the patients they ultimately serve.

What can women do to build a better tomorrow?

Be inclusive and intentional about our objectives. Don’t be afraid to speak up and always have an unwavering call to action with an end goal that will leave a legacy.

How can women support each other in the workplace?

Women can support one another by having a common understanding that everyone brings a unique perspective to the table. We can support one another by being openminded and providing meaningful encouragement and constructive feedback. This can be done openly to create a team environment where everyone is able to lean in.

Malin Florentzson

Business Development Manager, Merit EMEA (Nordics)

Yan Lo, Merit Asia

Yan Lo
Product Manager
Merit Asia

How has Merit empowered your growth and success?

Merit’s team spirit has empowered my growth. Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable.

I have confidence to overcome challenges because I have the support of my team. I treasure the culture here, as we can share our thoughts, discuss them, and make things happen together.

What inspires you?

At Merit Asia, our core values—growth, accountability, and sustainability—inspire me a lot. Together, we learn and grow with the company every day, well equipped to overcome the challenges in an ever-changing industry. We embrace the responsibility of pursuing high standards to deliver promising results in an ethical way. We strive for sustainable outcomes that drive long-term success for the company.

What can women do to build a better tomorrow?

Believing in yourself is the key. We all have our strengths, and when we work as a team, women and men together drive the company forward. It’s important women feel confident to share ideas in the workplace and not feel limited when taking on more responsibility. We can all contribute to building a better tomorrow.

How can women support each other in the workplace?

Voicing, listening, and sharing are important. Speak up and find the support you need from your team and the company. If you find someone in need, always lend a helping hand. Together we can build a harmonious working environment.

Jeanne Ortiz

Digital Marketing Coordinator, Merit Salt Lake

Maura Shaughnessy, Merit Galway

Maura Shaughnessy
Production Operator III
Merit Galway

How has Merit empowered your growth and success?

Merit has empowered my growth and success through support, mentoring, and feedback I receive. The in-house courses Merit has provided have also advanced my career path.

What inspires you?

What inspires me most about Merit is the way we work together as a team in achieving goals and acknowledging the milestones along the way.

There’s also a great variety of things to do, including our Wellness and Environmental programs, Sports and Social Club, and charity events.

There is great camaraderie within Merit Galway. Always someone to have a cup of tea with and laugh.

What can women do to build a better tomorrow?

Women can build a better tomorrow by knowing their self-worth. Enjoy success along the way, for today and future generations.

How can women support each other in the workplace?

Women can support each other in the workplace by talking, listening, mentoring, and encouraging each other in achieving success. It’s also important to celebrate those successes together.

Ernie Szeto, Merit Asia

Ernie Szeto
Business Process & Marketing Operations Manager
Merit Asia

How has Merit empowered your growth and success?

Merit has created a sandbox where employees are able to practice trial and error. We learn fast from every experience. It’s rare for a company to embrace new workflows and still preserve traditional ways of work. It supports my growth both personally and professionally.

What inspires you?

Merit employees. Predecessors set a good model, and new employees always feel welcome in the workplace. We have a flat organizational structure at our facility, so we can reach out to senior management for professional meet-ups and learn from them.

What can women do to build a better tomorrow?

We can learn from each other! Women of different ages gain different experiences in life. This knowledge is something valuable we can share with each other.

How can women support each other in the workplace?

We can offer more acceptance and less judgement. This can help women access new opportunities and have equal say.

Sheila Hogan

Account Manager, Merit ANZ

Maud Relouw, Merit EMEA

Maud Relouw
Business Support Manager
Merit EMEA

How has Merit empowered your growth and success?

As a business support manager for our Sales teams, I interact with multiple departments. I’ve been given freedom to make decisions, and my coworkers trust these decisions.

In the early stages of my job, like many, a lot of experiences were new for me. But I received a lot of guidance from leadership and fellow employees, both giving me the support I needed to be successful.

For example, I told my manager I wanted to gain knowledge about the financials and value creation of a company. I believed this information would help me develop a broader skillset to be successful in my job. He said choose a course; Merit will pay for it. And so, I did!

What’s more, there’s a group of analytical-minded women in the Maastricht office who meet regularly for coffee. We share experiences, professional advice, ideas for prioritization, and give each other ongoing motivation.

What inspires you?

My work has two key components: crunching numbers and talking with people. That mix of analytics and relationship building really drives me and plays to my strengths.

I also thrive on optimization. I’m passionate about anything I can do to help realize improvements—from managing DOMO or our CRM system to working closely with the pricing team.

What can women do to build a better tomorrow?

I love it when we celebrate each other’s accomplishments. It builds a culture of support and encouragement.

A time that comes to mind is when I presented on stage at a meeting. I was overwhelmed by the compliments I received after being on stage. Their commendation meant as much to me as receiving the EMEA Vision and Values Award I’d recently won.

We also need to offer each other guidance and mentorship. When someone achieves success, others can learn and vice versa. Emotional support, within a group of trusted people, can build confidence and help you achieve new heights.

How can women support each other in the workplace?

Collaboration and advocating for each other. It’s not just women; standing up for each other and providing a supportive and encouraging environment for everyone is key.

Diversity and inclusion are important. Hiring qualified individuals from a variety of backgrounds and experiences only helps my team and everyone at Merit do a great job.

Pamela Lee, Merit Asia

Pamela Lee
Senior Director, Human Resources
Merit Asia

How has Merit empowered your growth and success?

As a woman, I have experienced growth and success in the workplace, and Merit has been an integral part of it.

At Merit Asia, we have a Growth Mindset, which is anchored in our core values—growth, accountability, and sustainability. We use this mindset to foster a learning culture that teaches our employees to embrace challenges, learn from mistakes, and develop creativity drom each experience.

Merit always believes in employee potential. By sharing and gaining knowledge and supporting its team members, the company has created an empowering employee environment that allows for the expansion of expertise. This is important for everyone.

For this and more, Merit was named Top Employer—and the journey continues! Let’s keep growing together!

Geraldine Molloy, Merit Galway

Geraldine Molloy
Senior Administrative Assistant
Merit Galway

How has Merit empowered your growth and success?

Merit has supported me throughout my career. I have autonomy, and I’m trusted to do my job, which gives me more control over my projects. This freedom also provides me with greater job satisfaction, motivation, and commitment to our organization.

What inspires you?

My role requires constant interaction, so I’d have to say what inspires me most are our people! There’s always someone to lend a hand or a listening ear.

At Merit Galway, we have a lot of support through our mentoring system as well as our Reach Responders and Wellness programs. All these resources are utilized by our employees daily.

Outside of this we have a wonderful Sports and Social Club. We run fabulous sporting events and we socialize together. These add to Merit Galway’s interactive culture.

What can women do to build a better tomorrow?

Women are beginning to have a much stronger voice and are becoming more empowered. However, it’s up to us to use that voice to ensure equity for the future.

How can women support each other in the workplace?

It’s important for women to be more open in our conversations and talk about the things that are affecting us. It’s in sharing that we’ll find someone who has already gone through something similar and can help us find the solution to a challenge. A problem shared is often a problem halved! It’s also important to share career success and elevate each other along the way.

Joanne Hislop

Senior Engineer II, Merit Salt Lake

Jasmin Arndt, Merit EMEA

Jasmin Arndt
Senior Territory Manager
Merit EMEA

How has Merit empowered your growth and success?

I came to Merit from a company where I’d worked a long time, and I was a little insecure. Once I arrived, I loved it. Merit as a company is very transparent, and my team is welcoming, diverse, and open. We discuss strategy, different perspectives and ideas—I feel heard.

I found a working environment with a lot of freedom to develop new ideas and be creative in the way I need to build my market in my territory. This freedom in my work is very empowering and allows me to grow.

What inspires you?

I work in Merit Oncology with a product line for breast cancer therapy. Together with my team, we’re changing lives, creating a better and safer treatment for patients. This is the mission that drives us. Everyone knows somebody who was diagnosed with breast cancer. It happened to me in my own family.

I meet patients in my daily work, and I see how these strong women are fighting—this is an inspiring and emotional part of my job. I know I’m here for a reason.

What can women do to build a better tomorrow?

See emotional intelligence as a strength and use it. We’re living this at Merit because we have a lot of female leaders, and that changes the work atmosphere. Applying our emotional side to our business allows us to engage with customers and build a stronger connection with our team.

How can women support each other in the workplace?

It’s important for women to talk about their daily challenges, and together find ways to handle situations better. There is always another woman living the same or similar challenges, and its beneficial to share thoughts.

Helping each other shine, being inspired and supported by other females—there’s no room to be shy. Sharing our stories with others can help build confidence.

I also think it’s crucial that women not compare themselves to each other. Everyone can be successful! Discussing our insecurities with each other and connecting can create strong relationships. Learn from the woman next to you. Inspire her, and in return, she’ll inspire you.

Merit Medical Celebrates Heart Month

February is Heart Month, and around the globe our team has taken advantage of all 28 days to help raise awareness of heart health.

Love Your Heart on a Pink BackgroundAccording to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs)—conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels—are the leading cause of death worldwide, responsible for taking an estimated 17.9 million lives annually.

This year, another side of heart health came to light: cardiac arrest. When Damar Hamlin collapsed on the field during a Monday Night Football game, it brought widespread attention to the necessity of lifesaving tools and techniques, like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillator (AED) use.

Because we believe that heart health, safety, and disease prevention are topics that affect everyone, we put together a month’s worth of valuable activities to help keep each other’s hearts beating strong.

Global CPR and AED Instruction

When it comes to cardiac arrest, every second counts.

Merit CWO Nicole Priest, MD, and the American Heart Association came together to teach our team, both live at our Global HQ and virtually, how to perform hands-only CPR and use an AED.

Wear Red Day

To further raise awareness of CVD, our team dressed for the occasion. Together our facilities became red beacons of hope, burning brightly across the nation.

Employee Heart Month Newsletter

Each month, Merit CWO Nicole Priest, MD, sends out a company-wide newsletter, ensuring our employees have the latest health information. February’s newsletter was full of Heart Month event info, lifesaving CPR and AED tips, and heart-healthy food recommendations.

Valentine’s Day: Showing Employee Appreciation

Did you know mental health and heart health are connected?

To ensure our Merit family feels supported and appreciated at work, we set up a “Create Your Own Valentine” station on February 14, so employees could communicate how much they value each other.

Social Media: Heart-Healthy Tips

We’re a team with a common goal of improving the lives of people around the globe. To reach a wider audience, we shared our top heart-healthy tips over social media.

What are we doing for heart health the other 337 days of the year?

Explore our portfolio of cardiac technologies, solutions that help put better heart health within reach for everyone.

Black History Month: Celebrating Pioneers in Healthcare

Black History Month - Words in Lime Green & Purple on a Black BackgroundIn February of 1976, President Gerald R. Ford officially recognized Black History Month. In his message to the nation, he called this observance an “opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout history.”

In healthcare, the accomplishments of Black clinicians have resulted in the research and development of treatments that have saved countless lives. Through it all, they remained steadfast and determined, believing that what they were fighting for should have no limits.

In closing, President Ford urged fellow Americans to join him “in tribute to Black History Month and the message of courage and perseverance it brings to all of us.”

To honor this significant time, we have collected the inspiring stories of 10 Black clinicians who pushed boundaries and broke down barriers, who challenged stereotypes and disrupted what was
—who changed the face of medicine.

Dr. James Durham (1762 ̶ ?)

Born into slavery, Dr. James Durham bought his freedom and started a medical practice in New Orleans, LA, becoming the first Black American physician in the United States. As a previous slave to many physicians, he learned how to read and write and work with patients. This experience led to an active medical practice until 1801 when the city restricted his practice for not having a formal medical degree.

Photo Credit: African American Registry

Image of Dr James Durham on sepia background

James McCune Smith, MD (1813 ̶ 1865)

In 1837, James McCune Smith was the first Black American to receive a medical degree. Due to racist practices in the United States that prevented his college admission, he received his degree from the University of Glasgow. Dr. McCune Smith was also the first Black person to own and operate a pharmacy in the United States and the first Black physician to be published in US medical journals.

Photo Credit: New-York Historical Society

Rebecca Lee Crumpler, MD (1831 ̶ 1895)

In 1864, Rebecca Lee Crumpler graduated from the New England Female Medical College in Boston, MA, and became the first Black woman in the United States to receive a medical degree. Dr. Crumpler also went on to author A Book of Medical Discourses: In Two Parts. Published in 1883, the book addressed children’s and women’s health.

No photos or other images survive of Dr. Crumpler.

Mary Eliza Mahoney (1845 ̶ 1926)

Image of Mary Elizabeth Mahoney

Mary Eliza Mahoney is recognized as the first Black American licensed nurse. Realizing her dream at a young age, as a teen she began working at the New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston, MA. There she worked for 15 years in different positions, from janitor and cook, to washer woman and nurse’s aide. She completed the hospital’s nursing program and earned her professional license in 1879.

Photo credit: National Women’s History Museum

William Edward Allen, Jr. (1903 ̶ 1981)

William Edward Allen, Jr., was the first Black American certified x-ray technician. He established one of the first approved residencies in radiology for minorities in the late 1930s. Through his work, he helped to advance radiology as a science and a profession and received the American College of Radiology Gold Medal. Later his research helped fuel advancements in nuclear medicine and radiation therapy.

Photo credit: Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology

Image of William Edward Allen, Jr

Charles Richard Drew, MD (1904 ̶ 1950)

The “father of blood banking,” Dr. Charles Richard Drew pioneered blood preservation techniques that led to lifesaving blood donations and transfusions. During World War II, he directed the Blood for Britain project, which provided lifesaving plasma to England. He also led the first American Red Cross Blood Bank and created mobile blood donation stations now known as bloodmobiles.

Photo credit: The National WWII Museum, New Orleans

John Beauregard Johnson, MD, FACC (1908 ̶ 1972)

Dr. Beauregard Johnson was the first Black American physician to be elected as a fellow to the American College of Cardiology. He was a pioneer in cardiac angiography and catheterization, helping pave the way for minimally invasive procedures. He was also one of the first cardiologists to bring attention to the high risk of hypertension and its disparate effects among the Black community.

Photo credit: Journal of the National Medical Association

Image of John Beauregard Johnson MD

Myra Adele Logan, MD (1908 ̶ 1977)

Image of Dr Myra Adele Logan & other doctors next to their patient

In 1933, Myra Adele Logan graduated from New York Medical College. She went on to become the first woman to perform open heart surgery. Dr. Logan’s work also involved the development of antibiotics, including aureomycin; early detection and treatment of breast cancer; and x-ray processes that more accurately detected tumors.

Photo credit: New York Medical College

Louis Wade Sullivan, MD (1933)

Inspired by his own doctor growing up, Louis Wade Sullivan went on to become the only black student in his class at Boston University School of Medicine, where he later served as faculty. In 1975, he became founding dean and president of the Morehouse School of Medicine—the first predominantly Black medical school in the United States. Later in his career, he served as secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, where he directed the formation of the Office of Minority Programs.

Photo credit: African American Registry

Image of Louis Wade Sullivan, MD

Alexa I. Canady, MD (1950)

Image of Dr Alexa I. Canady

Dr. Canady received her medical degree from the University of Michigan and completed her neurosurgical residency at the University of Minnesota. She became the first Black woman neurosurgeon, and after only four years practicing at the Children’s Hospital of Michigan, she became chief of neurosurgery at 36. Other great achievements include inventing a programmable antisiphon shunt to treat hydrocephalus (fluid accumulation inside the brain).

Photo credit: National Library of Medicine

To learn more about Black Americans who made remarkable contributions to healthcare throughout history, explore this comprehensive timeline.
